PuraSys Sequencing Batch Reactor® Receives Vermont Approval
Prepared for Release by Anua
PuraSys SBR® receives general use approval by the Vermont Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division as an Innovative and Alternative Technology.
PuraSys SBR uses a unique batch process where the treatment steps are done in a timed, sequential manner. The process is energy efficient since treatment occurs as needed, using intermittent aeration, mixing, and settling.
PuraSys SBR highlights:
Timed treatment and drainfield pump in one tank
NSF Standards 40 and 245 nitrogen reduction
Easily overcome site elevation challenges
Preassembled reactor tank for easy shipping
New construction or upgrade conventional system to treatment
The following PuraSys SBR models have been approved:
Approval Granted by the Drinking Water & Ground Water Division of the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources: https://dec.vermont.gov/water
For further information please contact Anua:
Phone: 336.547.9338
Email: info@anuainternational.com